Kisah 4:30 “ Ulurkanlah tangan-Mu untuk menyembuhkan orang, dan adakanlah tanda-tanda dan mujizat-mujizat oleh nama Yesus, Hamba-Mu yang kudus.”
To discredit the countless miracles that had been given in confirmation of the Catholic faith, the original Protestant Reformers utterly rejected the idea that miracles had continued beyond the apostolic age.
However, when the Pentecostal movement began in Protestantism in 1900, with its emphasis on miraculous healing and other charisms, the Pentecostals had to find ways to try to explain why such miracles had "vanished" for so long. The answer is that they never did, as the following quotes of the early Church Fathers show. Miracles have always been found in the Catholic Church, and the idea that they stopped with the death of the last apostle would have been foreign to the early Church Fathers.
Historian Ramsay MacMullen points out that contemporary miracles played a central role in Christian apologetics in the early centuries: "When careful assessment is made of passages in the ancient written evidence that clearly indicate [a] motive . . . leading a person to conversion, they show (so far as I can discover): first, the operation of a desire for blessings . . . second, and much more attested, a fear of physical pain . . . third, and most frequent, credence in miracles" (Christianizing the Roman Empire, 108).
"Christian writers themselves . . . portray the learned and sophisticated as having been won over by sheer force of logic, and the unlearned, by a sort of stupefaction or terror before the greatness of God’s power" (ibid., 109).
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
"When he [Polycarp] had . . . finished his prayer, those who were appointed for the purpose kindled the fire [to burn him to death]. And as the flame blazed forth in great fury, we to whom it was given to witness it beheld a great miracle and have been preserved that we might report to others what then took place. For the fire, shaping itself into the form of an arch, like the sail of a ship when filled with the wind, encompassed as by a circle the body of the martyr. And he appeared within, not like flesh which is burnt, but as bread that is baked, or as gold and silver glowing in a furnace. Moreover, we perceived such a sweet odor, as if frankincense or some such precious spices had been smoking there. At length, when those wicked men perceived that his body could not be consumed by the fire, they commanded an executioner to go near and pierce him through with a dagger. And on his doing this, there came forth a dove and a great quantity of blood, so that the fire was extinguished, and all the people wondered that there should be such a difference between the unbelievers and the elect" (Martyrdom of Polycarp 15–16 [A.D. 155]).
"[Heretics are] so far . . . from being able to raise the dead, as the Lord raised them and the apostles did by means of prayer, and as has been frequently done in the [Catholic] brotherhood on account of some necessity. The entire church in that particular locality entreating with much fasting and prayer, the spirit of the dead man has returned, and he has been bestowed in answer to the prayers of the saints" (Against Heresies 2:31:2–4 [A.D. 189]).
"[When a scorpion stings someone’s heel] we have faith for a defense, if we are not smitten with distrust itself also, in immediately making the sign [of the cross] and adjuring and besmearing the heel with the beast. Finally, we often aid in this way even the heathen, seeing we have been endowed by God with that power which the apostle [Paul] first used when he despised the viper’s bite [Acts 28:3-5]" (Antidote Against the Scorpion 1 [A.D. 211]).
Eusebius of Caesarea
"The citizens of that parish [in Alexandria] mention many other miracles of Narcissus . . . among which they relate the following wonder as performed by him. . . . [T]he oil once failed while the deacons were watching through the night at the great Paschal Vigil. Thereupon, the whole multitude being dismayed, Narcissus directed those who attended to the lights to draw water and bring it to him. This being immediately done he prayed over the water and with firm faith in the Lord commanded them to pour it into the lamps. And when they had done so, contrary to all expectation, by a wonderful and divine power the nature of the water was changed into that of oil. A small portion of it has been preserved even to our day by many of the brethren there as a memento of the wonder" (Church History 6:9:1–3 [A.D. 312]).
"So take these as an example, beloved Dracontius, and do not say, or believe those who say, that the bishop’s office is an occasion to sin. . . . For we know both bishops who fast and monks who eat. We know bishops who drink no wine as well as monks who do. We know bishops who work miracles as well as monks who do not" (Letters 49:9 [A.D. 354]).
Ambrose of Milan
"As I do not wish anything which takes place here in your absence to escape the knowledge of your holiness [my sister], you must know that we have found some bodies of holy martyrs. . . . We found two men of marvelous stature, such as those of ancient days. All the bones were perfect. . . . Briefly we arranged the whole in order, and as evening was now coming on, transferred them to the basilica of Fausta, where watch was kept during the night and some received the laying on of hands. On the following morning we translated the relics to the basilica called Ambrosian. During the translation a blind man was healed. . . . [Arians] deny that the blind man received sight, but he denies not that he is healed. He says: ‘I, who could not see, now see,’ and proves it by the fact. . . . He declares that when he touched the hem of the robe of the martyrs, wherewith the sacred relics were covered, his sight was restored" (Letters 22:1–2, 17 [A.D. 388]).
Basil the Great
"But where shall I rank the great Gregory [the Wonderworker] and the words uttered by him? Shall we not place among the apostles and prophets a man who walked by the same Spirit as they? . . . For by the fellow-working of the Spirit, the power which he had over demons was tremendous and so gifted was he with the grace of the word . . . that, though only seventeen Christians were handed over to him, he brought the whole people alike in town and country through knowledge to God. He too by Christ’s mighty name commanded even rivers to change their course and caused a lake . . . to dry up. Moreover his predictions of things to come were such as in no way to fall short of the great prophets" (The Holy Spirit 74 [A.D. 375]).
"[A woman with three sick children came to Hilarion and] on reaching the saint she said: ‘I pray you by Jesus our most merciful God . . . to restore to me my three sons, so that the name of our Lord and Savior may be glorified in the city of the Gentiles. Then shall his servants enter Gaza and the idol Marnas shall fall to the ground.’ At first he refused and said that he never left his cell . . . [but] the woman did not leave him till he promised he would enter Gaza after sunset. On coming thither he made the sign of the cross over the bed and fevered limbs of each [child] and called upon the name of Jesus. Marvelous efficacy of the name! . . . In that very hour they took food, recognized the mourning mother, and with thanks to God warmly kissed the saint’s hands" (Life of St. Hilarion 14 [A.D. 390]).
John Chrysostom
"[I]n our generation, in the case of him who surpassed all in ungodliness, I mean [the Emperor] Julian, many strange things happened. Thus, when the Jews were attempting to raise up again the temple at Jerusalem, fire burst out from the foundations and utterly hindered them all; and when both his treasurer and his uncle and namesake made the sacred vessels the subject of their open insolence, one was eaten with worms and gave up the ghost, the other burst apart in the middle. Moreover, the fountains failing when sacrifices were made there and the entrance of famine into the cities together with the emperor himself was a very great sign. For it is usual with God to do such things when evils are multiplied" (Homilies on Matthew 4:2 [A.D. 391]).
"In the same city of Carthage lived Innocentia, a very devout woman of the highest rank in the state. She had cancer in one of her breasts, a disease which, as physicians say, is incurable. . . . This lady we speak of had been advised by a skillful physician, who was intimate with her family, and she betook herself to God alone in prayer. On the approach of Easter, she was instructed in a dream to wait for the first woman that came out of the baptistery after being baptized and to have her make the sign of Christ upon the sore. She did so, and was immediately cured" (The City of God 22:8 [A.D. 419]).
"For even now miracles are wrought in the name of Christ, whether by his sacraments or by the prayers or relics of his saints. . . . But who but a very small number are aware of the cure which was wrought upon Innocentius . . . a cure wrought at Carthage, in my presence, and under my own eyes? . . . For he and all his household were devotedly pious. He was being treated by medical men for fistulae, of which he had a large number. . . . He had already undergone an operation but clearly needed another. . . . [H]e cast himself down . . . and began to pray; but in what a manner, with what earnestness and emotion, with what a flood of tears, with what groans and sobs, that shook his whole body and almost prevented him speaking. . . . [And when the] surgeons arrived, all that the circumstances required was ready; the frightful instruments were produced; all look on in wonder and suspense. . . . [But the surgeon] finds a perfectly firm scar! No words of mine can describe the joy, and praise, and thanksgiving to the merciful and almighty God, which was poured from the lips of all with tears of gladness. Let the scene [of rejoicing] be imagined rather than described!" (ibid.).
"A gouty doctor of the same city, when he had given his name for baptism and had been forbidden the day before his baptism from being baptized that year by black woolly-haired boys who appeared to him in his dreams (and whom he understood to be devils), and when . . . he refused to obey them but overcame them and would not defer being washed in the laver of regeneration, was relieved in the very act of baptism, not only of the extraordinary pain he was tortured with, but also of the disease itself" (ibid.).
"What am I to do? I am so pressed by the promise of finishing this work that I cannot record all the miracles I know, and doubtless several of our adherents, when they read what I have narrated, will regret that I have omitted many which they, as well as I, certainly know. Even now I beg these persons to excuse me and to consider how long it would take me to
relate all those miracles, which the necessity of finishing the work I have undertaken forces me to omit. . . . Even now, therefore, many miracles are wrought, the same God who wrought those we read of [in the Bible is] still performing them, by whom he will and as he will" (ibid.).
Pope Gregory I
"I determined, through the aid of your prayers for me, to send . . . a monk of my monastery for the purpose of preaching [to the heathen in Anglia]. And he, having with my leave been made bishop by the bishops of Germany, proceeded with their aid also to the end of the world to the aforesaid nation, and already letters have reached us telling us of his safety and his work, to the effect that he and those that have been sent with him are resplendent with such great miracles in the said nation that they seem to imitate the powers of the apostles in the signs they display. Moreover, at the solemnity of the Lord’s nativity [Christmas] which occurred in this first indiction, more than ten thousand Angli are reported to have been baptized by the same, our brother and fellow bishop" (Letters 30 [A.D. 597]).
"I have given some instructions to Boniface, the guardian who is the bearer of these presents, for him to communicate to your holiness in private. Moreover, I have sent you keys of the blessed apostle Peter, who loves you, which are wont to shine forth with many miracles when placed on the bodies of sick persons" (ibid., 26).
NIHIL OBSTAT: I have concluded that the materials
presented in this work are free of doctrinal or moral errors.
Bernadeane Carr, STL, Censor Librorum, August 10, 2004
IMPRIMATUR: In accord with 1983 CIC 827
permission to publish this work is hereby granted.
+Robert H. Brom, Bishop of San Diego, August 10, 2004
Do Miracles Still Occur?
FENOMENA : Jenazah Tidak Reput ( The Incorrupt Bodies of the Saint )
Jenazah yang tidak reput adalah satu fenomena yang menentang hukum sains. Jenazah alim-ulamak dari Gereja Kristian Katolik ini tidak mereput secara semulajadi walaupun telah dikebumikan beratus malah ribuan tahun dahulu. seperti mumia yang wujud hingga ke hari ini, kumpulan mummia dari Gereja Katolik ini memang tidak diawet/dirawat tetapi terpelihara secara diluar penjelasan rasional para saintis... bagi orang percaya pada kebesaran Ilahi, fenomena ini adalah satu Mukjizat dari Tuhan bahawa orang-orang benar akan mengalahkan kematian dan membuktikan kebangkitan jasad pada hari penghakiman kelak... Renungilah kehidupan suci mereka semasa hayat di dunia yang penuh dengan teladan dan cintakasih sesama manusia...
Tujuan sebenar pihak Gereja untuk mempamerkan jenazah orang-orang kudus ini adalah untuk memperingatkan kembali umat-umat beriman agar meneladani hidup suci mereka semasa hayat. Gereja menegaskan bahawa, cara hidup mereka adalah teladan hidup seorang Kristian yang sesungguhnya. Sebenarnya Gereja Katolik tidak pernah peduli akan fenomena mayat yang tidak reput ini malah tidak mendedahkannya dan hanya mendiamkan diri. Gereja telah mengalakkan para saintis untuk menkaji fenomena ini dan tiada penjelasan yang disimpulkan hingga ke hari ini.
Jenazah-jenazah ini juga dikaitkan dengan banyak keajaiban luarbiasa. Perkara-perkara ini telah didokumentasikan dengan detail sekali sejak dari zaman pertengahan. Terdapat jenazah yang masih mengalirkan darah setelah meninggal beberapa puluh tahun (St. Yohanes dari Salib), masih panas setelah beberapa minggu meninggal, malah ada jenazah yang dilaporkan berbicara memuji keagungan Tuhan setelah ratusan tahun meninggal(St. Esmeralda Eustacia Calafatto dari Sycily), malah Jenazah ini langsung tidak mengeluarkan bau busuk, tetapi wangi-wangian surgawi yang tidak ditemukan di dunia ini (spt kes St.Seperandia, St. Rita dari Cascia dan banyak lagi). Banyak Mukjizat penyembuhan pelbagai penyakit juga dilaporkan melalui doa permohonan khas yang dipanjatkan kepada Allah melalui perantaraan orang-orang kudus ini. Pihak Gereja Katolik Hanya akan memberi gelaran orang-orang kudus ini dengan panggilan Saint @ sangti @ St. hanya bila berlakunya mukjizat penyembuhan, sekurang-kurangnya dua peristiwa/kejadian dan disahkan oleh para doktor.
Beberapa jenazah orang-orang kudus ini memakai sejenis topeng pada bahagian muka (kelihatan berkilat), untuk melindungi bahagian dalam yg tidak reput bertujuan utk mengelakkan rasa tidak selesa para penziarah atau pelawat apabila melihat mayat- bagi mereka yg tidak terbiasa atau sering melihat mayat. Ia juga bertujuan utk mengelakkan pencemaran udara dari persekitaran yg boleh merosakkan kondisi mayat ini dan juga sebagai presentasi yg lebih menarik. Kesemua mayat ini telah dikuburkan suatu ketika dahulu dan dikeluarkan kembali dari perut bumi selepas beberapa puluh tahun atau beberapa ratus tahun dan didapati masih dalam keadaan yg baik. Latar belakang mereka dikaji semula dan mendapati mereka selalunya menjalankan kehidupan yg hampir sama iaitu, seorang kristian katolik yang warak, patuh pada ajaran agama, hidup hanya demi Yesus Kristus, menjalankan kebajikan sepanjang hayat, hidup berdoa dan banyak lagi menurut ajaran katolik. kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah para petapa, paderi, Religious (sisters and Brothers), Biarawan dan Biarawati, para Syahid (martyr Kristian), dan lelaki serta wanita suci yg hidup dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
Semua detail-detail yang ditulis diatas ini adalah berpandukan kepada dokumentasi para penulis terkenal zaman ini spt Juan carol Cruz.
Santa Agnes dari Montepulciano
Santo Alphege
Santo Amphilochius dari Pochayiv
Santa Angela Merici
Santa Angela dari salib kudus
Hamba Tuhan Angelina dari Spoleto
Hamba Tuhan Anna Marie Taigi
Para Santo Anthony, John, dan Eustathios
St. Benedict Moor
St. Bernadette-visionary dari Lourdes
Hamba Tuhan Betrando de Genies
St. Catherine dari Bologna
St. Catherine Labouré
St. Catherine dari Siena
St. Cecilia
St. Charbel Maklouf
St. Charles Seeze
St. Clare dari Assisi
St. Clare dari Montefalco
Hamba Tuhan Dominic Barberi
St. Francis Xavier
St. Gaspar Louis Bertoni
Hallvard Vebjørnsson
Blessed Imelda
St. Isidore Petani
Hamba Tuhan Jacinta Marto
St. Jane Frances dari Chantal
St. Job dari Pochayiv
St. John Bosco
St. John Jacob dari Hozevit
St. John Vianney
Hamba Tuhan Josaphata Hordashevska
St. Joseph dari Cupertino
Santa Juliana Falconieri
St. Louis Orione
St. Louise de Marillac
Hamba Tuhan Margaret dari Castello
St. Margaret Mary (Marie Alacoque)
Hamba Tuhan Maria Angela dari Astorch
Santa Maria Crucificada
Hamba Tuhan Maria de Jesus dari Ágreda
Hamba Tuhan Maria de Jesus Torres
Hamba Tuhan Maria de San Jose
St. Maria Francisca Illagas
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Tujuan sebenar pihak Gereja untuk mempamerkan jenazah orang-orang kudus ini adalah untuk memperingatkan kembali umat-umat beriman agar meneladani hidup suci mereka semasa hayat. Gereja menegaskan bahawa, cara hidup mereka adalah teladan hidup seorang Kristian yang sesungguhnya. Sebenarnya Gereja Katolik tidak pernah peduli akan fenomena mayat yang tidak reput ini malah tidak mendedahkannya dan hanya mendiamkan diri. Gereja telah mengalakkan para saintis untuk menkaji fenomena ini dan tiada penjelasan yang disimpulkan hingga ke hari ini.
Jenazah-jenazah ini juga dikaitkan dengan banyak keajaiban luarbiasa. Perkara-perkara ini telah didokumentasikan dengan detail sekali sejak dari zaman pertengahan. Terdapat jenazah yang masih mengalirkan darah setelah meninggal beberapa puluh tahun (St. Yohanes dari Salib), masih panas setelah beberapa minggu meninggal, malah ada jenazah yang dilaporkan berbicara memuji keagungan Tuhan setelah ratusan tahun meninggal(St. Esmeralda Eustacia Calafatto dari Sycily), malah Jenazah ini langsung tidak mengeluarkan bau busuk, tetapi wangi-wangian surgawi yang tidak ditemukan di dunia ini (spt kes St.Seperandia, St. Rita dari Cascia dan banyak lagi). Banyak Mukjizat penyembuhan pelbagai penyakit juga dilaporkan melalui doa permohonan khas yang dipanjatkan kepada Allah melalui perantaraan orang-orang kudus ini. Pihak Gereja Katolik Hanya akan memberi gelaran orang-orang kudus ini dengan panggilan Saint @ sangti @ St. hanya bila berlakunya mukjizat penyembuhan, sekurang-kurangnya dua peristiwa/kejadian dan disahkan oleh para doktor.
Beberapa jenazah orang-orang kudus ini memakai sejenis topeng pada bahagian muka (kelihatan berkilat), untuk melindungi bahagian dalam yg tidak reput bertujuan utk mengelakkan rasa tidak selesa para penziarah atau pelawat apabila melihat mayat- bagi mereka yg tidak terbiasa atau sering melihat mayat. Ia juga bertujuan utk mengelakkan pencemaran udara dari persekitaran yg boleh merosakkan kondisi mayat ini dan juga sebagai presentasi yg lebih menarik. Kesemua mayat ini telah dikuburkan suatu ketika dahulu dan dikeluarkan kembali dari perut bumi selepas beberapa puluh tahun atau beberapa ratus tahun dan didapati masih dalam keadaan yg baik. Latar belakang mereka dikaji semula dan mendapati mereka selalunya menjalankan kehidupan yg hampir sama iaitu, seorang kristian katolik yang warak, patuh pada ajaran agama, hidup hanya demi Yesus Kristus, menjalankan kebajikan sepanjang hayat, hidup berdoa dan banyak lagi menurut ajaran katolik. kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah para petapa, paderi, Religious (sisters and Brothers), Biarawan dan Biarawati, para Syahid (martyr Kristian), dan lelaki serta wanita suci yg hidup dalam Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
Semua detail-detail yang ditulis diatas ini adalah berpandukan kepada dokumentasi para penulis terkenal zaman ini spt Juan carol Cruz.
Santa Agnes dari Montepulciano
Santo Alphege
Santo Amphilochius dari Pochayiv
Santa Angela Merici
Santa Angela dari salib kudus
Hamba Tuhan Angelina dari Spoleto
Hamba Tuhan Anna Marie Taigi
Para Santo Anthony, John, dan Eustathios
St. Benedict Moor
St. Bernadette-visionary dari Lourdes
Hamba Tuhan Betrando de Genies
St. Catherine dari Bologna
St. Catherine Labouré
St. Catherine dari Siena
St. Cecilia
St. Charbel Maklouf
St. Charles Seeze
St. Clare dari Assisi
St. Clare dari Montefalco
Hamba Tuhan Dominic Barberi
St. Francis Xavier
St. Gaspar Louis Bertoni
Hallvard Vebjørnsson
Blessed Imelda
St. Isidore Petani
Hamba Tuhan Jacinta Marto
St. Jane Frances dari Chantal
St. Job dari Pochayiv
St. John Bosco
St. John Jacob dari Hozevit
St. John Vianney
Hamba Tuhan Josaphata Hordashevska
St. Joseph dari Cupertino
Santa Juliana Falconieri
St. Louis Orione
St. Louise de Marillac
Hamba Tuhan Margaret dari Castello
St. Margaret Mary (Marie Alacoque)
Hamba Tuhan Maria Angela dari Astorch
Santa Maria Crucificada
Hamba Tuhan Maria de Jesus dari Ágreda
Hamba Tuhan Maria de Jesus Torres
Hamba Tuhan Maria de San Jose
St. Maria Francisca Illagas
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Miracle in Lebanon
Subject: : Miracle in Lebanon
وصلت هذه الرسالة الالكترونية الى رئيس دولة الأرجنتين الذى قام بشطبها فورا دون قراءتها اعتقادا منه انها من نفايات الانترنت- بعد ثمانية أيام توفى ابنه- شخص آخر وصلته هذه الرسالة وقام بارسالها الى عديدين من معارفه-بعد أيام كسب اللوترى-شخص آخر اسمه ألبرتو مارتينيه وصلته نفس الرسالة بالصورة - قام باعطائها الى سكرتيرته طالبا منها ارسال صورا عديدة منها الى أصدقاؤه لكنها نسيت ارسالها للعديدين - هى فقدت وظيفتها وهو فقد عائلته - هذه الصورة هى من المعجزات ومباركة - ارسلها الى عشرة أشخ
These are the pics of Guilda Ayoub, a 16-year-old girl from 'Imar' village situated near Zgharta, North Lebanon .
Guilda watched the film of 'Passion of the Christ ' on Good Friday on 06/04/2007,
and before she went to sleep she was telling her mum that she doesn't believe that Jesus has passed through all that pain.
That night she dreamt of having a cross on her hand but the next day she woke up and did not have anything on her hand.
She went to school and as she was telling her friend about it, she felt something pulling her hand backwards and putting it on the wall behind her.
Her hand was stuck on the wall and no one could take it off.. After a while when she took off her hand,
a cross was printed on her hand with a wound in the middle as if there was a nail taken out of her.
Blood tests were done for her and the blood that was coming out of her hand has no blood group.
Also there was oil on her hand..
Saint Charbel has talked to her many times and he was giving her messages.
One of the messages was about Lebanon but he asked her not to say it until he tells her.
She still has pain in her hand and it is still bleeding from time to time.
Dikirim Oleh : Isabella Boy Setanis (
وصلت هذه الرسالة الالكترونية الى رئيس دولة الأرجنتين الذى قام بشطبها فورا دون قراءتها اعتقادا منه انها من نفايات الانترنت- بعد ثمانية أيام توفى ابنه- شخص آخر وصلته هذه الرسالة وقام بارسالها الى عديدين من معارفه-بعد أيام كسب اللوترى-شخص آخر اسمه ألبرتو مارتينيه وصلته نفس الرسالة بالصورة - قام باعطائها الى سكرتيرته طالبا منها ارسال صورا عديدة منها الى أصدقاؤه لكنها نسيت ارسالها للعديدين - هى فقدت وظيفتها وهو فقد عائلته - هذه الصورة هى من المعجزات ومباركة - ارسلها الى عشرة أشخ
These are the pics of Guilda Ayoub, a 16-year-old girl from 'Imar' village situated near Zgharta, North Lebanon .
Guilda watched the film of 'Passion of the Christ ' on Good Friday on 06/04/2007,
and before she went to sleep she was telling her mum that she doesn't believe that Jesus has passed through all that pain.
That night she dreamt of having a cross on her hand but the next day she woke up and did not have anything on her hand.
She went to school and as she was telling her friend about it, she felt something pulling her hand backwards and putting it on the wall behind her.
Her hand was stuck on the wall and no one could take it off.. After a while when she took off her hand,
a cross was printed on her hand with a wound in the middle as if there was a nail taken out of her.
Blood tests were done for her and the blood that was coming out of her hand has no blood group.
Also there was oil on her hand..
Saint Charbel has talked to her many times and he was giving her messages.
One of the messages was about Lebanon but he asked her not to say it until he tells her.
She still has pain in her hand and it is still bleeding from time to time.
Dikirim Oleh : Isabella Boy Setanis (
Penampakan bentuk Salib dipohon kelapa kini muncul di SABAH.2007
Penampakan bentuk Salib dipohon kelapa kini muncul di SABAH.2007
Kejadian Pertama di Kg.Patikang Ulu,Keningau dan kejadian kedua di Kg.Maksak,Keningau. (Petikan Akhbar)
True Christian faith is based on faith and personal relationship with Jesus
12 June 2007
To all Priests, Religious and Laity of Keningau Diocese
May the peace of Christ be with us all.
I write this special Pastoral Letter in view of the phenomenon happening in Kg Patikang and Kg Masak Keningau and the perceptions held by some Catholics. This phenomenon involves apparitions of a cross and Mother Mary ‘claimed’ to be seen by many people and proven with photos. However, these are only images.
To all Catholics and groups in each parish and mission, we must be cautious in accepting and believing in a phenomenon such as this. In cases like this, the Church will not rush into accepting and approving it per se.
If this phenomenon is true, it will definitely bear good fruits in the lives of the faithful and society. Among them, the faithful will be aware and fulfill their responsibilities toward God, one another and society.
In short, if this phenomenon is true, a sense of repentance will well-up among the faithful and in society. For those who have seen the images and are touched personally, well and good, for this is the effect that we are hoping for.
However, let us realise that true Christian faith is based on faith and our right personal relationship with Jesus.
He is present to us through the Sacraments, His Word, through one another and in His creation and is not influenced by ‘apparition’ as the phenomenon occuring at Kg Patikang and Kg Masak, keningau.
No matter what, phenomenon such as this must be perceived carefully and with wisdom:
i) The Catholic Church through the Diocese of Keningau does not approve it per se. Catholics are advised not to do the following: ‘donate money to the coconut tree’ (as some people may take advantage of the situation), conduct novena, pray the rosary, kneel and light candle beneath the coconut tree - these may depict false worship and shallow faith.
ii) Revelation of God is complete through Jesus His Son (Heb 1:1-2). There is no need for us to search for external signs to signify the presence of God. God is usually present in ordinary ways so much so that we fail to recognise and accept Him (Jn 1:10-14).
iii) Usually the revelation of Jesus or Mother Mary takes place on a personal basis, as in Lourdes and Fatima, not with images. Falsification may happen in religious matters.
St Paul has reminded the faithful in Corinth on deception and false apostles, “for Satan himself masquerades as angel of light…” (2 Cor 11:3, 14).
In this IT age, people can falsify many things, documents, images, etc. Don’t let ourselves be influenced. What is most bizzare is that the said ‘apparition’ can move from place to place.
Let us not be disturbed, influenced or even fooled by the various perceptions and assumptions made regarding this phenomenon (Mt 24:4).
True faith is faith in Jesus, united with Him and consistently doing His will through the Church and in our daily lives (Mt 24:13, 23).
As faithful in the Diocese of Keningau, let us continue to be united and faithful to Jesus and His Church in our daily lives, guided by our Diocesan Pastoral Theme, wanting and choosing to serve only Him, our Lord and to form our faith and social responsibilities.
Let us together be responsible in facing this phenomenon so that our actions will not give room and opportunity to others to exploit and abuse the Church, the cross and Mother Mary for personal gains through fearful threats such as ‘chain SMS’ etc.
“Eucharist: core of our culture of worship, faith formation and social responsibility.”
Bishop Cornelius Piong
Kejadian Pertama di Kg.Patikang Ulu,Keningau dan kejadian kedua di Kg.Maksak,Keningau. (Petikan Akhbar)
True Christian faith is based on faith and personal relationship with Jesus
12 June 2007
To all Priests, Religious and Laity of Keningau Diocese
May the peace of Christ be with us all.
I write this special Pastoral Letter in view of the phenomenon happening in Kg Patikang and Kg Masak Keningau and the perceptions held by some Catholics. This phenomenon involves apparitions of a cross and Mother Mary ‘claimed’ to be seen by many people and proven with photos. However, these are only images.
To all Catholics and groups in each parish and mission, we must be cautious in accepting and believing in a phenomenon such as this. In cases like this, the Church will not rush into accepting and approving it per se.
If this phenomenon is true, it will definitely bear good fruits in the lives of the faithful and society. Among them, the faithful will be aware and fulfill their responsibilities toward God, one another and society.
In short, if this phenomenon is true, a sense of repentance will well-up among the faithful and in society. For those who have seen the images and are touched personally, well and good, for this is the effect that we are hoping for.
However, let us realise that true Christian faith is based on faith and our right personal relationship with Jesus.
He is present to us through the Sacraments, His Word, through one another and in His creation and is not influenced by ‘apparition’ as the phenomenon occuring at Kg Patikang and Kg Masak, keningau.
No matter what, phenomenon such as this must be perceived carefully and with wisdom:
i) The Catholic Church through the Diocese of Keningau does not approve it per se. Catholics are advised not to do the following: ‘donate money to the coconut tree’ (as some people may take advantage of the situation), conduct novena, pray the rosary, kneel and light candle beneath the coconut tree - these may depict false worship and shallow faith.
ii) Revelation of God is complete through Jesus His Son (Heb 1:1-2). There is no need for us to search for external signs to signify the presence of God. God is usually present in ordinary ways so much so that we fail to recognise and accept Him (Jn 1:10-14).
iii) Usually the revelation of Jesus or Mother Mary takes place on a personal basis, as in Lourdes and Fatima, not with images. Falsification may happen in religious matters.
St Paul has reminded the faithful in Corinth on deception and false apostles, “for Satan himself masquerades as angel of light…” (2 Cor 11:3, 14).
In this IT age, people can falsify many things, documents, images, etc. Don’t let ourselves be influenced. What is most bizzare is that the said ‘apparition’ can move from place to place.
Let us not be disturbed, influenced or even fooled by the various perceptions and assumptions made regarding this phenomenon (Mt 24:4).
True faith is faith in Jesus, united with Him and consistently doing His will through the Church and in our daily lives (Mt 24:13, 23).
As faithful in the Diocese of Keningau, let us continue to be united and faithful to Jesus and His Church in our daily lives, guided by our Diocesan Pastoral Theme, wanting and choosing to serve only Him, our Lord and to form our faith and social responsibilities.
Let us together be responsible in facing this phenomenon so that our actions will not give room and opportunity to others to exploit and abuse the Church, the cross and Mother Mary for personal gains through fearful threats such as ‘chain SMS’ etc.
“Eucharist: core of our culture of worship, faith formation and social responsibility.”
Bishop Cornelius Piong
Heboh Kelapa Bersalib di Palembang 2006
Seminggu menjelang masa Trihari Suci Paskah, ratusan orang mendatangi Jalan Tembok Baru Kelurahan 9/10 Ulu Kecamatan Seberang Ulu Palembang (CLICK SINI). Mereka ingin melihat secara langsung gambar menyerupai salib yang muncul dari sebuah pelepah pohon kelapa. “Bukan rekayasa. Benar-benar ada,” ujar seorang warga.
Keberadaan salib tersebut terletak di antara pelepah daun yang berdiri lurus. Gambar menyeruai salib itu terlihat dari pelepah pohon kelapa setinggi 12 meter milik Samaun (67). Ia mendiami pekarangan tersebut sejak 1972. Pohon kelapa itu terletak di belakang Puskesmas di Jalan Tembok Baru. Lokasinya tak jauh dari Gereja Ratu Rosari, Seberang Ulu, Palembang.
Beberapa warga Kristiani mengatakan, salib itu sudah terlihat sejak Kamis (6/4). Sementara Samaun mengatakan, salib itu terlihat oleh warga sejak Kamis (13/4) menjelang Jumat Agung. Waktu itu seorang warga bernama Sumiati (42) yang tinggal sekitar 100 meter dari pohon kelapa itu sempat kaget. Ia yang baru pulang dari warung secara tidak sengaja melihat sinar yang berasal dari atas pohon kelapa. Saking kagetnya, ia mengaku masih gemetaran ketika tiba di rumah.
Namun, ia tidak menceritakan hal tersebut kepada keluarganya. Hanya saja pada keesokan harinya, Jumat (14/4) sekitar pukul 10.00, Sumiati kembali melihat pohon kelapa itu dan melihat salib berwarna putih terang sekitar 20 cm. “Salib itu belum ada orangnya. Senin (17/4) baru ada orangnya,” ujar Sumiati. Sumiati pun menceritakan keanehan itu kepada keluarganya dan tidak lama hal itu menyebar.
Di dekat pohon kelapa itu terdapat sekitar 10 pohon kelapa lainnya namun tidak memiliki keanehan serupa. Pohon-pohon kelapa itu berada di tengah sawah, sekitar 100 meter dari kediaman warga. Salib muncul di pelepah pohon kelapa itu bisa disaksikan terutama pada pagi hingga sore hari, pada saat masih ada matahari. Ketika malam, salib itu tidak terlihat.
Munculnya kelapa bersalib ini juga diwarnai berbagai cerita, seperti munculnya cahaya putih, munculnya lelaki berjubah, dan gambar bercak darah. Karena itu, banyak orang Kristiani penasaran. Desas-desus dan liputan beberapa media, mendorong mereka untuk melihat secara langsung. Mereka pun berduyun-duyun ingin melihat secara langsung seperti apa pohon kelapa bersalib itu.
Dari pagi hingga malam hari, mereka berdatangan tanpa henti. Warga silih berganti untuk melihat dan mengambil gambar salib itu. Bahkan ada beberapa orang dari luar kota, seperti dari Jambi dan Lampung, menyempatkan diri mampir untuk melihat kejadian aneh itu.
Keriuhan pengunjung ini membuat gerah Samaun. “Takutnya nanti kalau ada apa-apa, siapa yang akan bertanggung jawab?” ujarnya. Samaun mengaku kesal karena warga berdatangan hingga larut malam.
Setelah membuat heboh warga karena menyerupai tanda salib, akhirnya Senin (24/4) lalu pohon kelapa itu pun ditebang. Warga yang berkerumun berebutan untuk mendapatkan pelepahnya sebagai koleksi.
Untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, petugas Polsekta Seberang Ulu I mengamankan sebagian pelepah pohon kelapa yang menghebohkan tersebut. Potongan pelapah dan pucuk pohon kepala itu dibawa ke Mapolsek SU I. Anehnya, setelah ditebang, warga tidak menemukan tanda apa pun di pelepah kelapa tersebut.
Kehebohan kelapa bersalib itu ternyata punya nilai jual. Beberapa orang menjual foto pohon kelapa tersebut perlembar Rp5.000,- hingga Rp10.000,- Penjulan foto pohon kelapa tersebut mendatangkan untung ratusan ribu rupiah. Termasuk anggota mudika Ratu Rosari yang bisa mendapatkan tambahan kas dari penjualan
"Salib di pohon kelapa" Happened at Kpg Semalatong Simunjan,Sarawak
These pictures were taken at Kpg Semalatong, Simunjan, behin the house of the young man who Died in Langkawi (parachute incident)last year.At that Kpg, there is A Chapel and a Surau.
Virgin Mary Image Clearwater, Fl.
Virgin Mary Image Clearwater, Fl.
Image of the Blessed Mother on financial building in Clearwater, Florida
Miracle Of John Lennon
Image of the Blessed Mother on financial building in Clearwater, Florida
Miracle Of John Lennon
Often we hear people loosely use the term "miracle" in every day conversation, such as, "that was a miracle!", and "I sure could use a miracle right now!", though few people know much about significant miracles and their history. Some people simply do not believe in miracles as being REAL, but rather think they are only found in fairy tales. Others claim they believe in miracles but still have little or no idea about what a true miracle is, if they really occur, where they occur, to whom, and what types have been claimed to have occurred repeatedly over the centuries. On this page we will describe what a true miracle is based on writings over the last 2000 years.
First let us say there are two basic categories of miracles;
1) First class miracles or what we call "significant" miracles are obvious interventions of God against the laws of nature, and are always astounding, undeniable, and unfakable such as the healings at Lourdes or Jesus walking on water. First class miracles in most cases are witnessed by others or leave undeniable evidence behind, so there is normally no question as to their existence.
2) Second class miracles are smaller miracles that usually occur to people personally, are not usually witnessed by others, and typically do not leave evidence behind for us to use as proof. These "personal" miracles appear to be a way God works through us and gives us direction in life. While second class miracles do occur, in many cases they may appear to have a natural explanation, and in many cases they are difficult to prove since little concrete evidence is left behind. Because of this, it is easily possible for people to claim they experienced a second class miracle when in fact they may not have. This page does not discuss second class miracles since they typically cannot be researched beyond the claims themselves. Rather this page discusses first class miracles in depth which can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in most cases.
As for first class miracles, first let us say that the miracles we discuss on this page are discussed repeatedly and consistently in the writings on lives of the Saints for the last 2000 years. These Saints have lived in all parts of the world and lived during every generation since the time of Christ, and yet they have all experienced the SAME miraculous phenomena time and time again. Are the miracles we discuss below difficult to believe? At first reading some of them may be, and that is expected with anything categorized as a miracle. The question one has to ask is why have these miracles been seen repeatedly for the last 2000 years, especially among Saints?
Regarding the significant first class miracles we discuss below, we have countless writings from reliable sources. We are not referring to questionable occurrences that happen in the blink of an eye, but rather incidents so astounding that occurred long enough that there is no doubt as to their existence and very clear that they could not have been faked in any way, especially with so much evidence left behind. The events we review below clearly show that there is such a thing as first class miracles. As we will see below, there are simply too many references to miraculous occurrences throughout the centuries and too many credible witnesses to simply discredit or ignore them all.
The definition of a miracle from The American Heritage Dictionary is:
"An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God"
As you read through the descriptions of the miracles below and who was involved with them, keep these four points in mind:
1. First class miracles as mentioned below have historically occurred to devout Catholics (i.e. those referred to as "Saint" or "Blessed") or otherwise in relation to the Catholic Church.
No non-Catholic religion has experienced such undeniable, unfakable first class miraculous events that can be compared to events we review below, such as the Miracle at Fatima, the Incorruptibles and others below. When looking at history, such astounding events simply do not exist outside the Catholic Church.
2. Proof is on display all over Europe
As you will see mentioned below, there is proof for many miracles we discuss on this page since the actual relics related to the miracles are on display all over Europe and elsewhere.
3. Devout Catholics by their nature are truthful
Devout Catholics such as those referred to as Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables who dedicate their lives to imitating Christ, by their nature do not lie or attempt to deceive. You will notice many Saints experience multiple types of first class miracles in their lifetime and many Saints readily admit to having experienced these miracles. In addition, the Catholic Church has researched these miraculous events thoroughly and determined them to be authentic. Many have witnessed and also testified under oath as to the authenticity of these miracles, and by the nature of the honesty of the Saints and other devout Catholics, we have no reason to doubt all of them. In a nutshell, there is simply no way one can logically claim ALL of these groups of people from different lifetimes all hallucinated or lied about the same things.
4. From Scripture
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.
John 14:12
Otherwise believe for the very works' sake. Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do.
First let us say there are two basic categories of miracles;
1) First class miracles or what we call "significant" miracles are obvious interventions of God against the laws of nature, and are always astounding, undeniable, and unfakable such as the healings at Lourdes or Jesus walking on water. First class miracles in most cases are witnessed by others or leave undeniable evidence behind, so there is normally no question as to their existence.
2) Second class miracles are smaller miracles that usually occur to people personally, are not usually witnessed by others, and typically do not leave evidence behind for us to use as proof. These "personal" miracles appear to be a way God works through us and gives us direction in life. While second class miracles do occur, in many cases they may appear to have a natural explanation, and in many cases they are difficult to prove since little concrete evidence is left behind. Because of this, it is easily possible for people to claim they experienced a second class miracle when in fact they may not have. This page does not discuss second class miracles since they typically cannot be researched beyond the claims themselves. Rather this page discusses first class miracles in depth which can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in most cases.
As for first class miracles, first let us say that the miracles we discuss on this page are discussed repeatedly and consistently in the writings on lives of the Saints for the last 2000 years. These Saints have lived in all parts of the world and lived during every generation since the time of Christ, and yet they have all experienced the SAME miraculous phenomena time and time again. Are the miracles we discuss below difficult to believe? At first reading some of them may be, and that is expected with anything categorized as a miracle. The question one has to ask is why have these miracles been seen repeatedly for the last 2000 years, especially among Saints?
Regarding the significant first class miracles we discuss below, we have countless writings from reliable sources. We are not referring to questionable occurrences that happen in the blink of an eye, but rather incidents so astounding that occurred long enough that there is no doubt as to their existence and very clear that they could not have been faked in any way, especially with so much evidence left behind. The events we review below clearly show that there is such a thing as first class miracles. As we will see below, there are simply too many references to miraculous occurrences throughout the centuries and too many credible witnesses to simply discredit or ignore them all.
The definition of a miracle from The American Heritage Dictionary is:
"An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God"
As you read through the descriptions of the miracles below and who was involved with them, keep these four points in mind:
1. First class miracles as mentioned below have historically occurred to devout Catholics (i.e. those referred to as "Saint" or "Blessed") or otherwise in relation to the Catholic Church.
No non-Catholic religion has experienced such undeniable, unfakable first class miraculous events that can be compared to events we review below, such as the Miracle at Fatima, the Incorruptibles and others below. When looking at history, such astounding events simply do not exist outside the Catholic Church.
2. Proof is on display all over Europe
As you will see mentioned below, there is proof for many miracles we discuss on this page since the actual relics related to the miracles are on display all over Europe and elsewhere.
3. Devout Catholics by their nature are truthful
Devout Catholics such as those referred to as Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables who dedicate their lives to imitating Christ, by their nature do not lie or attempt to deceive. You will notice many Saints experience multiple types of first class miracles in their lifetime and many Saints readily admit to having experienced these miracles. In addition, the Catholic Church has researched these miraculous events thoroughly and determined them to be authentic. Many have witnessed and also testified under oath as to the authenticity of these miracles, and by the nature of the honesty of the Saints and other devout Catholics, we have no reason to doubt all of them. In a nutshell, there is simply no way one can logically claim ALL of these groups of people from different lifetimes all hallucinated or lied about the same things.
4. From Scripture
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.
John 14:12
Otherwise believe for the very works' sake. Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do.
Miracle at Fatima
Consider the Miracle at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. In short, three poor children mentioned publicly that a lady spoke to them in a remote field where they were watching their flocks. According to the children this lady mentioned several things to them in line with Catholic doctrine, and asked them to relay the message to the people in Fatima. She also told the children to tell the people that she would perform a miracle at the same location three months later to “make the people believe”, and gave the children a date and time this would occur. The children relayed the message and word quickly passed throughout Western Europe, resulting in 70,000 people (including non-religious who came to laugh and disprove the miracle) arriving at the site three months later in expectation of this miracle.
On a very rainy, muddy day at the exact time and location foretold by the children, while the thousands of people waited in the rain, the clouds seemed to clear and the sun then appeared to swirl in the sky and hurl toward the earth according to eyewitnesses. Fearing the world was coming to an end; the crowd fell to the ground in fear, and screamed out for God to spare them. The phenomena lasted for approximately 10 minutes according to eyewitnesses, then suddenly stopped. Afterward, though it had been raining all day, all immediately noticed that their clothes were completely dry and the ground, which was previously flooded and muddy, was now dry earth. Eyewitness accounts (including from many atheists and other non-religious people) were in several Portugal newspapers the following day, and many of the eyewitness accounts from the articles can be seen here. In summary, we know a crowd of thousands of religious and non-religious, with no reason to lie, all could not have hallucinated the same thing, yet they all agree on what happened there that day. And not only has such an incident with the sun never been seen before or since this incident, but neither has the phenomena with the instantaneous drying of the earth and clothes at the scene been seen before or since either. And with the 3 poor children foretelling the event 3 months in advance to the exact time and location (something no human can possibly do), this leads back to the source of their information, a lady in a field speaking Catholic doctrine to them. Who was she and where did she get her information? Here we have an incident that cannot be considered natural. If you feel otherwise, feel free to send us a message with your argument here.
Miracle at Fatima, Portugal in October 1917
Newspaper articles and accounts from other witnesses recounting details of the miracle of the sun witnessed by over 70,000 people in October 1917:
O Seculo (a pro-government, anti-clerical, Lisbon paper):
From the road, where the vehicles were parked and where hundreds of people who had not dared to brave the mud were congregated, one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver, and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up, and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting: "A miracle! A miracle!
Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws---the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
Standing at the step of an omnibus was an old man. With his face turned to the sun, he recited the Credo in a loud voice. I asked who he was and was told Senhor Joao da Cunha Vasconcelos. I saw him afterwards going up to those around him who still had their hats on, and vehemently imploring them to uncover before such an extraordinary demonstration of the existence of God.
Identical scenes were repeated elsewhere, and in one place a woman cried out: "How terrible! There are even men who do not uncover before such a stupendous miracle!"
People then began to ask each other what they had seen. The great majority admitted to having seen the trembling and the dancing of the sun; others affirmed that they saw the face of the Blessed Virgin; others, again, swore that the sun whirled on itself like a giant Catherine wheel and that it lowered itself to the earth as if to burn it in its rays. Some said they saw it change colors successively....
O Dia (another Lisbon daily, edition of 17 October 1917):
"At one o'clock in the afternoon, midday by the sun, the rain stopped. The sky, pearly grey in colour, illuminated the vast arid landscape with a strange light. The sun had a transparent gauzy veil so that the eyes could easily be fixed upon it. The grey mother-of-pearl tone turned into a sheet of silver which broke up as the clouds were torn apart and the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds. A cry went up from every mouth and people fell on their knees on the muddy ground....
The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands. The blue faded slowly, and then the light seemed to pass through yellow glass. Yellow stains fell against white handkerchiefs, against the dark skirts of the women. They were repeated on the trees, on the stones and on the serra. People wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.
Ti Marto (father of Jacinta and Francisco)
We looked easily at the sun, which for some reason did not blind us. It seemed to flicker on and off, first one way, then another. It cast its rays in many directions and painted everything in different colors--- the trees, the people, the air and the ground. But what was most extraordinary, I thought, was that the sun did not hurt our eyes. Everything was still and quiet, and everyone was looking up. Then at a certain moment, the sun appeared to stop spinning. It then began to move and to dance in the sky until it seemed to detach itself from its place and fall upon us. It was a terrible moment.
Maria de Capelinha (one of the earliest believers):
The sun turned everything to different colours---yellow, blue and white. Then it shook and trembled. It looked like a wheel of fire that was going to fall on the people. They began to cry out, "We shall all be killed!" Others called to our Lady to save them. They recited acts of contrition. One woman began to confess her sins aloud, advertising that she had done this and that.... When at last the sun stopped leaping and moving, we all breathed our relief. We were still alive, and the miracle which the children had foretold, had been seen by everyone.
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fatima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter colour, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same colour, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fatima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamour, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of colour in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst colour. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same colour. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this colour on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple colour as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the colour of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same colour. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Almeida Garrett, PhD (Coimbra University):
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fátima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter color, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same color, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fátima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this color on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple color as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same color. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Domingos Coelho (reported in the newspaper Ordem):
The sun, at one moment surrounded with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceedingly fast and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching the earth, strongly radiating heat.
Fr. Manuel Pereira da Silva (in a letter to a friend)
The sun appeared with its circumference well defined. It came down as if to the height of the clouds and began to whirl giddily upon itself like a captive ball of fire. With some interruptions, this lasted about eight minutes. The atmosphere darkened and the features of each became yellow. Everyone knelt even in the mud....
Senhor Alfredo da Silva Santos (Lisbon):
We made our arrangements, and went in three motor cars on the early morning of the 13th. There was a thick mist, and the car which went in front mistook the way so that we were all lost for a time and only arrived at the Cova da Iria at midday by the sun. It was absolutely full of people, but for my part I felt devoid of any religious feeling. When Lucia called out: "Look at the sun!" the whole multitude repeated: "Attention to the sun!" It was a day of incessant drizzle but a few moments before the miracle it stopped raining. I can hardly find words to describe what followed. The sun began to move, and at a certain moment appeared to be detached from the sky and about to hurtle upon us like a wheel of flame. My wife---we had been married only a short time- -- fainted, and I was too upset to attend to her, and my brother-in- law, Joao Vassalo, supported her on his arm. I fell on my knees, oblivious of everything, and when I got up I don't know what I said. I think I began to cry out like the others. An old man with a white beard began to attack the atheists aloud and challenged them to say whether or not something supernatural had occurred.
There may have been many former atheists in Fátima that day, but there were plenty in Portugal, nonetheless, to charge hallucination. For those the Lady provided witnesses who were not at the scene and could not have been subject to collective suggestion.
Alfonso Lopes Vieira (observed the display from a distance of nearly 25 miles):
On that day of October 13, 1917, without remembering the predictions of the children, I was enchanted by a remarkable spectacle in the sky of a kind I had never seen before. I saw it from this veranda....
Fr. Ignacio Lorenco (Alburitel, 11 miles away):
I was only nine years old at this time, and I went to the local village school. At about midday we were surprised by the shouts and cries of some men and women who were passing in the street in front of the school. The teacher, a good, pious woman, though nervous and impressionable, was the first to run into the road, with the children after her.
Outside, the people were shouting and weeping and pointing to the sun, ignoring the agitated questions of the schoolmistress. It was the great Miracle, which one could see quite distinctly from the top of the hill where my village was situated---the Miracle of the sun, accompanied by all its extraordinary phenomena.
I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt the eyes. Looking like a ball of snow revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment.
Near us was an unbeliever who had spent the morning mocking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed to be paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. Afterwards he trembled from head to foot and lifting up his arms fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to our Lady.
Meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow. We saw ourselves blue, yellow, red, etc. All these strange phenomena increased the fears of the people. After about ten minutes the sun, now dull and pallid, returned to its place. When the people realized that the danger was over, there was an explosion of joy, and everyone joined in thanksgiving and praise to our Lady.
On a very rainy, muddy day at the exact time and location foretold by the children, while the thousands of people waited in the rain, the clouds seemed to clear and the sun then appeared to swirl in the sky and hurl toward the earth according to eyewitnesses. Fearing the world was coming to an end; the crowd fell to the ground in fear, and screamed out for God to spare them. The phenomena lasted for approximately 10 minutes according to eyewitnesses, then suddenly stopped. Afterward, though it had been raining all day, all immediately noticed that their clothes were completely dry and the ground, which was previously flooded and muddy, was now dry earth. Eyewitness accounts (including from many atheists and other non-religious people) were in several Portugal newspapers the following day, and many of the eyewitness accounts from the articles can be seen here. In summary, we know a crowd of thousands of religious and non-religious, with no reason to lie, all could not have hallucinated the same thing, yet they all agree on what happened there that day. And not only has such an incident with the sun never been seen before or since this incident, but neither has the phenomena with the instantaneous drying of the earth and clothes at the scene been seen before or since either. And with the 3 poor children foretelling the event 3 months in advance to the exact time and location (something no human can possibly do), this leads back to the source of their information, a lady in a field speaking Catholic doctrine to them. Who was she and where did she get her information? Here we have an incident that cannot be considered natural. If you feel otherwise, feel free to send us a message with your argument here.
Miracle at Fatima, Portugal in October 1917
Newspaper articles and accounts from other witnesses recounting details of the miracle of the sun witnessed by over 70,000 people in October 1917:
O Seculo (a pro-government, anti-clerical, Lisbon paper):
From the road, where the vehicles were parked and where hundreds of people who had not dared to brave the mud were congregated, one could see the immense multitude turn toward the sun, which appeared free from clouds and in its zenith. It looked like a plaque of dull silver, and it was possible to look at it without the least discomfort. It might have been an eclipse which was taking place. But at that moment a great shout went up, and one could hear the spectators nearest at hand shouting: "A miracle! A miracle!
Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bareheaded, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws---the sun "danced" according to the typical expression of the people.
Standing at the step of an omnibus was an old man. With his face turned to the sun, he recited the Credo in a loud voice. I asked who he was and was told Senhor Joao da Cunha Vasconcelos. I saw him afterwards going up to those around him who still had their hats on, and vehemently imploring them to uncover before such an extraordinary demonstration of the existence of God.
Identical scenes were repeated elsewhere, and in one place a woman cried out: "How terrible! There are even men who do not uncover before such a stupendous miracle!"
People then began to ask each other what they had seen. The great majority admitted to having seen the trembling and the dancing of the sun; others affirmed that they saw the face of the Blessed Virgin; others, again, swore that the sun whirled on itself like a giant Catherine wheel and that it lowered itself to the earth as if to burn it in its rays. Some said they saw it change colors successively....
O Dia (another Lisbon daily, edition of 17 October 1917):
"At one o'clock in the afternoon, midday by the sun, the rain stopped. The sky, pearly grey in colour, illuminated the vast arid landscape with a strange light. The sun had a transparent gauzy veil so that the eyes could easily be fixed upon it. The grey mother-of-pearl tone turned into a sheet of silver which broke up as the clouds were torn apart and the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds. A cry went up from every mouth and people fell on their knees on the muddy ground....
The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands. The blue faded slowly, and then the light seemed to pass through yellow glass. Yellow stains fell against white handkerchiefs, against the dark skirts of the women. They were repeated on the trees, on the stones and on the serra. People wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.
Ti Marto (father of Jacinta and Francisco)
We looked easily at the sun, which for some reason did not blind us. It seemed to flicker on and off, first one way, then another. It cast its rays in many directions and painted everything in different colors--- the trees, the people, the air and the ground. But what was most extraordinary, I thought, was that the sun did not hurt our eyes. Everything was still and quiet, and everyone was looking up. Then at a certain moment, the sun appeared to stop spinning. It then began to move and to dance in the sky until it seemed to detach itself from its place and fall upon us. It was a terrible moment.
Maria de Capelinha (one of the earliest believers):
The sun turned everything to different colours---yellow, blue and white. Then it shook and trembled. It looked like a wheel of fire that was going to fall on the people. They began to cry out, "We shall all be killed!" Others called to our Lady to save them. They recited acts of contrition. One woman began to confess her sins aloud, advertising that she had done this and that.... When at last the sun stopped leaping and moving, we all breathed our relief. We were still alive, and the miracle which the children had foretold, had been seen by everyone.
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fatima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter colour, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same colour, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fatima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamour, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of colour in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst colour. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same colour. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this colour on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple colour as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the colour of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same colour. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Almeida Garrett, PhD (Coimbra University):
I was looking at the place of the apparitions, in a serene, if cold, expectation of something happening, and with diminishing curiosity, because a long time had passed without anything to excite my attention. Then I heard a shout from thousands of voices and saw the multitude suddenly turn its back and shoulders away from the point toward which up to now it had directed its attention, and turn to look at the sky on the opposite side.
It must have been nearly two o'clock by the legal time, and about midday by the sun. The sun, a few moments before, had broken through the thick layer of clouds which hid it, and shone clearly and intensely. I veered to the magnet which seemed to be drawing all eyes, and saw it as a disc with a clean-cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. I do not agree with the comparison which I have heard made in Fátima---that of a dull silver disc. It was a clearer, richer, brighter color, having something of the luster of a pearl. It did not in the least resemble the moon on a clear night because one saw it and felt it to be a living body. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same color, tone, or shading. It looked like a glazed wheel made of mother-of-pearl. It could not be confused, either, with the sun seen through fog (for there was no fog at the time), because it was not opaque, diffused or veiled. In Fátima it gave light and heat and appeared clear-cut with a well-defined rim.
The sky was mottled with light cirrus clouds with the blue coming through here and there, but sometimes the sun stood out in patches of clear sky. The clouds passed from west to east and did not obscure the light of the sun, giving the impression of passing behind it, though sometimes these flecks of white took on tones of pink or diaphanous blue as they passed before the sun.
It was a remarkable fact that one could fix one's eyes on this brazier of heat and light without any pain in the eyes or blinding of the retina. The phenomenon, except for two interruptions when the sun seemed to send out rays of refulgent heat which obliged us to look away, must have lasted about ten minutes.
The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a, heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl. Then, suddenly, one heard a clamor, a cry of anguish breaking from all the people. The sun, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge and fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible.
During the solar phenomenon, which I have just described in detail, there were changes of color in the atmosphere. Looking at the sun, I noticed that everything around was becoming darkened. I looked first at the nearest objects and then extended my glance further afield as far as the horizon. I saw everything an amethyst color. Objects around me, the sky and the atmosphere, were of the same color. An oak tree nearby threw a shadow of this color on the ground.
Fearing that I was suffering from an affection of the retina, an improbable explanation because in that case one could not see things purple-colored, I turned away and shut my eyes, keeping my hands before them to intercept the light. With my back still turned, I opened my eyes and saw that the landscape was the same purple color as before.
The impression was not that of an eclipse, and while looking at the sun I noticed that the atmosphere had cleared. Soon after I heard a peasant who was near me shout out in tones of astonishment: "Look, that lady is all yellow!"
And in fact everything, both near and far, had changed, taking on the color of old yellow damask. People looked as if they were suffering from jaundice, and I recall a sensation of amusement at seeing them look so ugly and unattractive. My own hand was the same color. All the phenomena which I have described were observed by me in a calm and serene state of mind, and without any emotional disturbance. It is for others to interpret and explain them.
Dr. Domingos Coelho (reported in the newspaper Ordem):
The sun, at one moment surrounded with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceedingly fast and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching the earth, strongly radiating heat.
Fr. Manuel Pereira da Silva (in a letter to a friend)
The sun appeared with its circumference well defined. It came down as if to the height of the clouds and began to whirl giddily upon itself like a captive ball of fire. With some interruptions, this lasted about eight minutes. The atmosphere darkened and the features of each became yellow. Everyone knelt even in the mud....
Senhor Alfredo da Silva Santos (Lisbon):
We made our arrangements, and went in three motor cars on the early morning of the 13th. There was a thick mist, and the car which went in front mistook the way so that we were all lost for a time and only arrived at the Cova da Iria at midday by the sun. It was absolutely full of people, but for my part I felt devoid of any religious feeling. When Lucia called out: "Look at the sun!" the whole multitude repeated: "Attention to the sun!" It was a day of incessant drizzle but a few moments before the miracle it stopped raining. I can hardly find words to describe what followed. The sun began to move, and at a certain moment appeared to be detached from the sky and about to hurtle upon us like a wheel of flame. My wife---we had been married only a short time- -- fainted, and I was too upset to attend to her, and my brother-in- law, Joao Vassalo, supported her on his arm. I fell on my knees, oblivious of everything, and when I got up I don't know what I said. I think I began to cry out like the others. An old man with a white beard began to attack the atheists aloud and challenged them to say whether or not something supernatural had occurred.
There may have been many former atheists in Fátima that day, but there were plenty in Portugal, nonetheless, to charge hallucination. For those the Lady provided witnesses who were not at the scene and could not have been subject to collective suggestion.
Alfonso Lopes Vieira (observed the display from a distance of nearly 25 miles):
On that day of October 13, 1917, without remembering the predictions of the children, I was enchanted by a remarkable spectacle in the sky of a kind I had never seen before. I saw it from this veranda....
Fr. Ignacio Lorenco (Alburitel, 11 miles away):
I was only nine years old at this time, and I went to the local village school. At about midday we were surprised by the shouts and cries of some men and women who were passing in the street in front of the school. The teacher, a good, pious woman, though nervous and impressionable, was the first to run into the road, with the children after her.
Outside, the people were shouting and weeping and pointing to the sun, ignoring the agitated questions of the schoolmistress. It was the great Miracle, which one could see quite distinctly from the top of the hill where my village was situated---the Miracle of the sun, accompanied by all its extraordinary phenomena.
I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt the eyes. Looking like a ball of snow revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zigzag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment.
Near us was an unbeliever who had spent the morning mocking at the simpletons who had gone off to Fátima just to see an ordinary girl. He now seemed to be paralyzed, his eyes fixed on the sun. Afterwards he trembled from head to foot and lifting up his arms fell on his knees in the mud, crying out to our Lady.
Meanwhile the people continued to cry out and to weep, asking God to pardon their sins. We all ran to the two chapels in the village, which were soon filled to overflowing. During those long moments of the solar prodigy, objects around us turned all the colors of the rainbow. We saw ourselves blue, yellow, red, etc. All these strange phenomena increased the fears of the people. After about ten minutes the sun, now dull and pallid, returned to its place. When the people realized that the danger was over, there was an explosion of joy, and everyone joined in thanksgiving and praise to our Lady.
Miracles at Lourdes
Also consider the original Miracle at Lourdes, France in 1858 and the countless miracles that have occurred there since. Again a young girl there claimed a lady appeared to her on multiple occasions and told her many things that were in line with Catholic doctrine. After these apparitions, a spring sprang forth at the exact location and since that time countless people who have come in contact with the water have been healed of terminal diseases of many kinds. To assure this was not trickery or confusion, the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed, which invites doctors of all beliefs to join and review claims of healings in the waters at Lourdes. Since 1858, a forest of crutches have been left near the spring at Lourdes, and the Lourdes Medical Bureau has reviewed and approved many healings as seen on their miraculous healings list from the actual Lourdes website. It is also interesting to note that when the spring water at the site in Lourdes is examined, it does not appear different from any other water in the world, yet the healings from life threatening diseases have occurred there time and time again over the last 146 years. No where else on earth have such healings been encountered, either before 1858 or after. No scientist can explain the healings there and the phenomena witnessed there can only be explained as supernatural.
Miracles at Lourdes
Also consider the original Miracle at Lourdes, France in 1858 and the countless miracles that have occurred there since. Again a young girl there claimed a lady appeared to her on multiple occasions and told her many things that were in line with Catholic doctrine. After these apparitions, a spring sprang forth at the exact location and since that time countless people who have come in contact with the water have been healed of terminal diseases of many kinds. To assure this was not trickery or confusion, the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed, which invites doctors of all beliefs to join and review claims of healings in the waters at Lourdes. Since 1858, a forest of crutches have been left near the spring at Lourdes, and the Lourdes Medical Bureau has reviewed and approved many healings as seen on their miraculous healings list from the actual Lourdes website. It is also interesting to note that when the spring water at the site in Lourdes is examined, it does not appear different from any other water in the world, yet the healings from life threatening diseases have occurred there time and time again over the last 146 years. No where else on earth have such healings been encountered, either before 1858 or after. No scientist can explain the healings there and the phenomena witnessed there can only be explained as supernatural.
Miracles at Lourdes
Also consider the original Miracle at Lourdes, France in 1858 and the countless miracles that have occurred there since. Again a young girl there claimed a lady appeared to her on multiple occasions and told her many things that were in line with Catholic doctrine. After these apparitions, a spring sprang forth at the exact location and since that time countless people who have come in contact with the water have been healed of terminal diseases of many kinds. To assure this was not trickery or confusion, the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed, which invites doctors of all beliefs to join and review claims of healings in the waters at Lourdes. Since 1858, a forest of crutches have been left near the spring at Lourdes, and the Lourdes Medical Bureau has reviewed and approved many healings as seen on their miraculous healings list from the actual Lourdes website. It is also interesting to note that when the spring water at the site in Lourdes is examined, it does not appear different from any other water in the world, yet the healings from life threatening diseases have occurred there time and time again over the last 146 years. No where else on earth have such healings been encountered, either before 1858 or after. No scientist can explain the healings there and the phenomena witnessed there can only be explained as supernatural.
The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy
The Flesh of Christ and His Blood
are preserved in the monstrance
We are talking here about an extraordinary miracle that has lasted for over twelve centuries now (1,200 years), and is still taking place today, before our eyes: the Flesh and Blood of Christ is still miraculously preserved today in a monstrance that all can see and venerate, at Lanciano, Italy. This is a miracle before which even today's science has to bow, after a minute investigation made by scientists in 1970-71.
The city of Lanciano, founded long before Christianity, was first called Anxanum. Its present name recalls the “Lancia” (lance in Italian) that pierced the heart of Our Lord on the Cross. According to an ancient tradition, Longinus, the Roman centurion who pierced, with a lance, the side of Christ already dead, came originally from Lanciano. He had poor vision, but regained his sight after touching his eyes with his hand dripping with the Blood of Jesus. In consequence of this, he became a convert and died a martyr.
The miracle
One day in the eighth century, in the church dedicated to Saints Legontian and Domitian in Lanciano, a Basilian monk was celebrating Holy Mass in the Latin rite, with a host of unleavened bread. The monk started doubting the real and substantial presence of the Flesh and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the consecrated Holy Species.
After having pronounced the words of Consecration (“This is My Body... This is My Blood”), as Jesus had taught it to His Apostles, the monk saw the host change into a living piece of Flesh, and the wine change into real blood, which thereupon coagulated and split into five globules, irregular and differing in shape and size. We quote excerpts from a document kept at Lanciano:
“Frightened and confused by so great and so stupendous a miracle, he stood quite a while as if transported in a divine ecstasy; but finally, as fear yielded to the spiritual joy which filled his soul with a happy face, even though bathed with tears, having turned to the bystanders, he thus spoke to them: `O fortunate witnesses to whom the Blessed God, to counfound my unbelief, has wished to reveal Himself in this Most Blessed Sacrament and to render Himself visible to our eyes. Come Brethren, and marvel at our God so close to us. Behold the Flesh and the Blood of our Most Beloved Christ.'
“At these words, the eager people ran with devout haste to the altar and, completely terrified, began, not without copious tears, to cry for mercy. The report of so rare and singular a miracle, having spread through the entire city, who can count the acts of compunction which the young and old, hastily assembled, sought to make openly...”
The reliquary: the Fesh is enclosed in a round gold-plated silver lunette, between two crystals, in a monstrance of finaley sculpted silver. The Blood is preserved in a chalice of crystal, and affixed to the base of the monstrance.
The Host-Flesh, as can be very distinctly observed today, has the same dimensions as the large host used today in the Latin church; it is light brown and appears rose-colored when lighted from the back. The Blood is coagulated and has an earthy color resembling the yellow of ochre.
Now, here is something even more amazing: the Catholic Church teaches that Jesus Christ is really and totally present in either the whole consecrated host or a fragment of it, and the same applies for the consecrated wine, which, once consecrated, has become the Blood of Christ. The five globules contained in the reliquary, when weighed either separately or together, totaled the same weight: 15.85 grammes.
Authentification of the Relics
Over the last twelve centuries, different Bishops of the diocese of Lanciano made authentifications of the holy relics. All testified that these facts were miraculous and true.
In 1970-71, and taken up again partly in 1981, there took place a scientific investigation by the most illustrious scientist Prof. Odoardo Linoli, eminent Professor in Anatomy and Pathological Histology and in Chemistry and Clinical Microscopy. He was assisted by Prof. Ruggero Bertelli of the University of Siena. The analyses were conducted with absolute and unquestionable scientific precision, and they were documented with a series of microscopic photographs. These analyses sustained the following conclusions:
The Flesh is real flesh. The Blood is real Blood.
The Flesh and the Blood belong to the human species.
The Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the heart.
In the Flesh we see present in section: the myocardium, the endocardium, the vagus nerve and also the left ventricle of the heart for the large thickness of the myocardium.
The Flesh and the Blood have the same blood-type: AB (The blood-type identical to that which Prof. Baima Bollone uncovered in the Holy Shroud of Turin).
In the Blood there were found proteins in the same normal proportions (percentage-wise) as are found in the sero-proteic make-up of fresh normal blood.
In the Blood there were also found these minerals: chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium.
The preservation of the Flesh and of the Blood, which were left in their natural state for twelve centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, remains an extraordinary phenomenon.
It is a miracle similar to that of Lanciano, the one of Bolsena, Italy, that led the Church to institute, in 1264, the great Feast of Corpus Christi, with its beautful processions, where the Living God of the Holy Eucharist is triumphally carried on the streets. Long live Jesus in His Sacrament of Love!
Thérèse Tardif
Gambar Salib pada pakaian Pelayan Komuni
Saudara Johnny telah membahagikan kepada kita suatu kejadian yang luar biasa.Ini berlaku pada tarikh 13.7.2008,di rumahnya di kampung Suok Vatu,Matambai,Kepayan,Kota-Kinabalu,Sabah.Kebiasaannya para pelayan komuni dari Gereja St.Thomas Kepayan memakai secara resmi menggunakan pakaian berwarna putih kapas.Beliau sungguh terkejut,kerana pakaian yang sering digunakannya untuk dipakai melayani,tiba-tiba timbul gambar berbentuk salib,pada semua sudut pakaian tersebut.Sesuatu yang sungguh menakjubkan telah berlaku.Berikut disertakan gambar-gambar tersebut untuk tatapan kita bersama.Semoga melalui kejadian ini,menandakan bahawa "ada pesan" yang sedang disampaikan TUHAN kepada kita melalui penampakan ini.Puji Tuhan.Bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan kepastian/pengesahan atau pertanyaan lanjut tentang kejadian ini,anda boleh menghubunginya melalui e-mail di:
fence with a bright cross
Email from Loci Lenar: The anointed rocks (available here) are very powerful. The image appearing on our fence with a bright cross--shielding our property, is a testament to God's providence from your wonderful work! I believe the image of the cross that appeared on my backyard fence is a sign from God of His shield of protection for my family.
My wife Teresa and daughter Lauren checked windows and rooms for reflections and found none. The interesting point is that the sun was behind the fence in the east, while the image appears in the front, as if the sun is shining onto the fence from the west!
I gave several prints of the image to Father Richard of Saint Mary's Church, Denville, New Jersey. I've known Father Richard for over a decade. Email from: Loci Lenar, Mine Hill, New Jersey
Miracle at St.thomas Kepayan Church
This pictures was took at St.Thomas Kepayan Church Mass.
At 5.30 pm while the 2nd reading
Date :2nd Mei 2010,Sunday
At 5.30 pm while the 2nd reading
Date :2nd Mei 2010,Sunday
Heboh Penampakan Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria di Minahasa Selatan
Laporan wartawan Tribun Manado Alpen Martinus
TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, AMURANG - Warga Pondang khususnya jemaat Gereja Masehi Injili di Minahasa (GMIM) Setia Kudus Pondang, dihebohkan dengan munculnya dua gambar, yang diyakini warga mirip dengan wajah Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria, Minggu (31/3/2013).
Gambar tersebut, terlukis di pagar gedung GMIM Setia Kudus Pondang berupa biasan cahaya dari kaca dua mobil yang terparkir.
"Ya ini merupakan kuasa Tuhan, dan mungkin ada maksud yang Tuhan kehendaki terjadi pada jemaat, tapi itu tergantung pandangan masing-masing orang saja," jelas Markus Bonde Pendeta GMIM Setia Kudus Pondang.
Menurutnya, memang ini belum pernah terjadi."Padahal banyak yang parkir di situ, tapi belum pernah muncul yang seperti ini, baru kali ini," ujarnya.
Dua gambar dari cahaya tersebut, nampak seperti menggunakan jubah, dan di atas kepala seperti ada bundaran cahaya.
Warga yang penasaran datang melihat, bahkan mengabadikan gambar, dan sempat mengganggu ibadah yang belum berakhir
TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, AMURANG - Warga Pondang khususnya jemaat Gereja Masehi Injili di Minahasa (GMIM) Setia Kudus Pondang, dihebohkan dengan munculnya dua gambar, yang diyakini warga mirip dengan wajah Tuhan Yesus dan Bunda Maria, Minggu (31/3/2013).
Gambar tersebut, terlukis di pagar gedung GMIM Setia Kudus Pondang berupa biasan cahaya dari kaca dua mobil yang terparkir.
"Ya ini merupakan kuasa Tuhan, dan mungkin ada maksud yang Tuhan kehendaki terjadi pada jemaat, tapi itu tergantung pandangan masing-masing orang saja," jelas Markus Bonde Pendeta GMIM Setia Kudus Pondang.
Menurutnya, memang ini belum pernah terjadi."Padahal banyak yang parkir di situ, tapi belum pernah muncul yang seperti ini, baru kali ini," ujarnya.
Dua gambar dari cahaya tersebut, nampak seperti menggunakan jubah, dan di atas kepala seperti ada bundaran cahaya.
Warga yang penasaran datang melihat, bahkan mengabadikan gambar, dan sempat mengganggu ibadah yang belum berakhir
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