Often we hear people loosely use the term "miracle" in every day conversation, such as, "that was a miracle!", and "I sure could use a miracle right now!", though few people know much about significant miracles and their history. Some people simply do not believe in miracles as being REAL, but rather think they are only found in fairy tales. Others claim they believe in miracles but still have little or no idea about what a true miracle is, if they really occur, where they occur, to whom, and what types have been claimed to have occurred repeatedly over the centuries. On this page we will describe what a true miracle is based on writings over the last 2000 years.
First let us say there are two basic categories of miracles;
1) First class miracles or what we call "significant" miracles are obvious interventions of God against the laws of nature, and are always astounding, undeniable, and unfakable such as the healings at Lourdes or Jesus walking on water. First class miracles in most cases are witnessed by others or leave undeniable evidence behind, so there is normally no question as to their existence.
2) Second class miracles are smaller miracles that usually occur to people personally, are not usually witnessed by others, and typically do not leave evidence behind for us to use as proof. These "personal" miracles appear to be a way God works through us and gives us direction in life. While second class miracles do occur, in many cases they may appear to have a natural explanation, and in many cases they are difficult to prove since little concrete evidence is left behind. Because of this, it is easily possible for people to claim they experienced a second class miracle when in fact they may not have. This page does not discuss second class miracles since they typically cannot be researched beyond the claims themselves. Rather this page discusses first class miracles in depth which can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt in most cases.
As for first class miracles, first let us say that the miracles we discuss on this page are discussed repeatedly and consistently in the writings on lives of the Saints for the last 2000 years. These Saints have lived in all parts of the world and lived during every generation since the time of Christ, and yet they have all experienced the SAME miraculous phenomena time and time again. Are the miracles we discuss below difficult to believe? At first reading some of them may be, and that is expected with anything categorized as a miracle. The question one has to ask is why have these miracles been seen repeatedly for the last 2000 years, especially among Saints?
Regarding the significant first class miracles we discuss below, we have countless writings from reliable sources. We are not referring to questionable occurrences that happen in the blink of an eye, but rather incidents so astounding that occurred long enough that there is no doubt as to their existence and very clear that they could not have been faked in any way, especially with so much evidence left behind. The events we review below clearly show that there is such a thing as first class miracles. As we will see below, there are simply too many references to miraculous occurrences throughout the centuries and too many credible witnesses to simply discredit or ignore them all.
The definition of a miracle from The American Heritage Dictionary is:
"An event that appears unexplainable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God"
As you read through the descriptions of the miracles below and who was involved with them, keep these four points in mind:
1. First class miracles as mentioned below have historically occurred to devout Catholics (i.e. those referred to as "Saint" or "Blessed") or otherwise in relation to the Catholic Church.
No non-Catholic religion has experienced such undeniable, unfakable first class miraculous events that can be compared to events we review below, such as the Miracle at Fatima, the Incorruptibles and others below. When looking at history, such astounding events simply do not exist outside the Catholic Church.
2. Proof is on display all over Europe
As you will see mentioned below, there is proof for many miracles we discuss on this page since the actual relics related to the miracles are on display all over Europe and elsewhere.
3. Devout Catholics by their nature are truthful
Devout Catholics such as those referred to as Saints, Blesseds, and Venerables who dedicate their lives to imitating Christ, by their nature do not lie or attempt to deceive. You will notice many Saints experience multiple types of first class miracles in their lifetime and many Saints readily admit to having experienced these miracles. In addition, the Catholic Church has researched these miraculous events thoroughly and determined them to be authentic. Many have witnessed and also testified under oath as to the authenticity of these miracles, and by the nature of the honesty of the Saints and other devout Catholics, we have no reason to doubt all of them. In a nutshell, there is simply no way one can logically claim ALL of these groups of people from different lifetimes all hallucinated or lied about the same things.
4. From Scripture
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues.
They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.
John 14:12
Otherwise believe for the very works' sake. Amen, amen I say to you, he that believeth in me, the works that I do, he also shall do; and greater than these shall he do.