Also consider the original Miracle at Lourdes, France in 1858 and the countless miracles that have occurred there since. Again a young girl there claimed a lady appeared to her on multiple occasions and told her many things that were in line with Catholic doctrine. After these apparitions, a spring sprang forth at the exact location and since that time countless people who have come in contact with the water have been healed of terminal diseases of many kinds. To assure this was not trickery or confusion, the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed, which invites doctors of all beliefs to join and review claims of healings in the waters at Lourdes. Since 1858, a forest of crutches have been left near the spring at Lourdes, and the Lourdes Medical Bureau has reviewed and approved many healings as seen on their miraculous healings list from the actual Lourdes website. It is also interesting to note that when the spring water at the site in Lourdes is examined, it does not appear different from any other water in the world, yet the healings from life threatening diseases have occurred there time and time again over the last 146 years. No where else on earth have such healings been encountered, either before 1858 or after. No scientist can explain the healings there and the phenomena witnessed there can only be explained as supernatural.
Miracles at Lourdes
Also consider the original Miracle at Lourdes, France in 1858 and the countless miracles that have occurred there since. Again a young girl there claimed a lady appeared to her on multiple occasions and told her many things that were in line with Catholic doctrine. After these apparitions, a spring sprang forth at the exact location and since that time countless people who have come in contact with the water have been healed of terminal diseases of many kinds. To assure this was not trickery or confusion, the Lourdes Medical Bureau was formed, which invites doctors of all beliefs to join and review claims of healings in the waters at Lourdes. Since 1858, a forest of crutches have been left near the spring at Lourdes, and the Lourdes Medical Bureau has reviewed and approved many healings as seen on their miraculous healings list from the actual Lourdes website. It is also interesting to note that when the spring water at the site in Lourdes is examined, it does not appear different from any other water in the world, yet the healings from life threatening diseases have occurred there time and time again over the last 146 years. No where else on earth have such healings been encountered, either before 1858 or after. No scientist can explain the healings there and the phenomena witnessed there can only be explained as supernatural.